Saturday, 7 June 2014

How to solve blue screen error in windwos XP and 7 ?

Bluescreen errors are also known as dead ends for computers.
Bluescreen errors occur if Windows senses any serious error in the system.
It shuts down and restarts and at times it shuts down and refuses to boot.
It has been named as “Bluescreen error” because the error is displayed on a blue screen.
This dead end error is also known as “Stop Error”.
This doesn’t happen not only in Windows but also in UNIX based operating systems. In that operating system it is named as “Kernel Panic”.
Windows XP is a Windows operating system. It was the predecessor of Windows Vista and Windows 7. Bluescreen errors are common to all types of Windows operating systems. This error can happen either because of software or hardware problems. Latest Windows operating systems the blue screen displays important information to diagnose the problems.
If there is a blue screen error then there are chances for data loss. There are solutions to recover from this huge problem. Have you noticed those symbols in the screen while the blue screen error occurs? They are not just symbols they are codes which explain the stop error. Note them down if you can and try to search about them in the internet. It’s just like clues.
There are two scenarios. They are; Windows starts successfully and Windows does not start successfully. The worst case is “Windows does not start successfully”. Most users couldn’t identify the error because the Bluescreen appears only for a fraction of seconds and disappears.
If your Windows restarts successfully after the error,
  • Go to my computer
  • Right click on it and select properties
  • Switch to the advanced tab
  • Go to startup and recovery section and in the System failure area uncheck “Automatically restart”
  • Restart computer
If your Windows doesn’t successfully start after this error,
  • Keep on pressing F8 when your PC boots up.
  • At the advanced options menu screen select “Disable automatic restart on system failure”
  • After entering that option now select Windows XP as your OS and press enter.
  • Before your PC goes into the Windows the Bluescreen error will appear.
  • Clearly note down the error message and the code
it will definitely help you to solve this problem


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